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Started by nre, Dec 29, 2024, 07:11 AM

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If you wish to join this forum and participate in discussions, register.


Regarding Registration

the forum receives between 200-300 requests/wk to join.  Virtually all of it spam.   

Activation requires admin approval, the IP address used at registration is examined and, if it's a known garbage machine, the registration request is rejected.  It's done automatically.

That said, if you're a real human being with an interest in discussing audio, send me note at:

and I'll register you.




Did you announce this on the other forum? i came across this by google.


Quote from: Oilyboy on Feb 24, 2025, 02:23 PMDone!

Did you announce this on the other forum? i came across this by google.

Yes, made a mention of it.