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Discussions related to both tube and solid-state amplifiers, circuits, construction methods and measurements.  
Vacuum Tube Amplifier Repairs, Restorations and Builds
Discussions related to tube amplifiers and components.

Posts: 37
Topics: 8

Last post: Mar 13, 2024, 08:26 PM Re: Scott 222C by duder1982

Vintage McIntosh Amplifier Repairs, Restorations and Modifications
Discussions related to the first-generation solid-state amplifiers, repairs, modifications, restoration challenges and replacement parts.

Posts: 83
Topics: 10

Last post: Aug 30, 2024, 04:12 PM Re: MC240 Restortation by nre


Discussions related to high fidelity loudspeakers including direct radiators, horn loaded, enclosure materials and construction, crossover networks and measurement techniques
Direct Radiator Systems
Discussions and topics related to direct radiators including open baffle, ported and sealed enclosures.  

Posts: 11
Topics: 4

Last post: Sep 02, 2023, 06:41 PM Re: JBL-100 Cabinet redo by nre_admin

Horn Loaded Systems
Discussions and topics related to horn loaded systems including compression drivers, enclosures and measurement methods.

Posts: 19
Topics: 5

Last post: Aug 06, 2023, 05:39 PM Re: B&C DE120-8 Replacem... by DaveA


Topics related to network designs, components, modifications and measurements.
Passive Networks
Topics related to network modifications or measurements on vintage loudspeaker networks.

Posts: 14
Topics: 3

Last post: Jul 18, 2023, 03:03 PM Re: North Reading Engine... by nre_admin


Topics related to oscilloscopes, analyzers and other electrical and acoustic test equipment.

Posts: 17
Topics: 3

Last post: Feb 09, 2024, 09:47 PM Re: HP 333A Distortion A... by M-HZ

181 Posts in 33 Topics by 35 Members - Latest Member: skipperdj
Latest Post: "Re: MC240 Restortation" (Aug 30, 2024, 04:12 PM)
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