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North Reading Model 219 Tube Amp

Started by nre_admin, Mar 01, 2024, 03:01 PM

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A few photos of a North Reading Engineering tube amp project completed recently.  Two channels, about 20WRMS/ch into 8Ohms.  Based somewhat on the Scott 299C output stage but using a solid-state, HV power supply design capable of substantially more power than is required for the push-pull 7591 pairs.   

Chassis CAD files were sent out for quote, the supplier (New England based) responded with pricing for larger quantities than I was considering.  Placed an order for a small lot of chassis assemblies.  All metal chassis assemblies are best for RFI/EMI/noise immunity.  The chassis assembly is the high-cost item in the build. Uses oversized Hammond or Lundahl output transformers.

Go to for performance data and pricing.